
The majority of these figurines that makes Gorgeous Art is of found objects, thrift store rolling pins, found fabrics, gourds from all over the US, doll eyes, resin (human) teeth for dentures, yarn, wire, Worbla (thermal plastic), scrap wood, acrylic paint, computer manipulated art and or photos. Vintage watch parts, ephemera, tissue, wallpaper, Victorian fabrics, burlap, various tool parts, and or kitchen items such as rolling pins, vintage hardware, including 10 penny nails, iron, brass, copper, parts of a 1902 pharmacy book, images from a 1900’s encyclopedia. Various images, both found and created on the computer.

I have never had as much fun as I have had making unusual characters such as these. They seem to come to life as soon as their teeth are installed.

I chose common careers as subjects, but with a twist as far as time and space. One can imagine these guys all once lived somewhere on the planet, during some decade somewhere...maybe Mars!